LENE 2.o

Learning Environments for NEET Entepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship for everyone.

Project Progress

Project Progress


The LENE Model

The LENE model is based on activating pupils and NEET youngsters and empower them through entrepreneurial activities. The method is based on hands-on learning by doing with support from local/ LENE entrepreneurs. The model is simple and takes youngsters through three steps;

1) Basic understanding of entrepreneurship: Here the focus is on a realistic understanding of entrepreneurship with local connection, necessary skills, what are my own skills and strengths; reflection of oneself.

2) The role of entrepreneurs in society: what would my local area be like without entrepreneurs? The understanding of entrepreneurship in society and its impact on local political life. How can I contribute to a better more attractive local area? 

3) Realisation of my idea; take my idea from paper to a real product or service and present final result at an event with an audience from family, friends, entrepreneurs, municipality and other relevant local stakeholders. During this phase, LENE entrepreneurs are supporting youngsters wherever needed, guiding them through a basic marketing mix knowledge based upon the realisation of their own idea.

March 2024; Together with 9 organisations a project proposal was discussed; ENTRe+  "European Youth Together" as a continuation of the appreciated LENE project, where we hope to send out our youngsters to Europe and work intensively with entrepreneurial ideas together with youngsters from other cultures. A lot of learning on a personal and professional level. Project partners have signed agreements with EACEA. We hope this project takes off!

LENE 2.o Project results were presented in Dalyan in October 2023.

Experiences were discussed together with participating organisations from Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Italy and Turkyie. Especially in Bulgaria and southern Italy we have similar problems with unemployment and therefore a great need for entrepreneurial activities such as LENE 2.o.

We would be happy to share our LENE 2.o experiences with other organisations!

To decide upon winners of the LENE Challenge 2023 was truly not easy. Visitors, teachers and pupils were allowed to vote for their favourites and the LENE Team and partners were of course also part of the decision process.

Winners of the LENE Challenge Uppvidinge Municipality June 2023;

1. Best idea: Green School 500 kr and New Swimming area in old Alstermo 500 kr.

2. Best exhibit: Active Time 500 kr and Youth Center Alstermo 500 kr.

3. Best Video Presentation: Brum Brum Service 500 kr and Art with Innovation 500 kr.

Insights into LENE Workshop in Uppvidinge spring 2023;

March - June 2023 LENE 2.o Entrepreneurial Workshops in Högsby and Alstermo-Älghult-Lenhovda.

During the spring of 2023 the LENE Team set up workshops in Småland, Högsby and Uppvidinge Municipalities around entrepreneurship.

What is an entrepreneur? What skills are needed? What is the role of the entrepreneur in society? In your local area? What is your own role in the local area? What would you like to change? Improve? Let's bring your idea to reality !

Most youngsters have a dream, a vision of what they want to do with their lives, but what are the steps taking you there? LENE entrepreneurs supported youngsters in their quest!

But only the youngsters themselves can take the steps towards their future...

March - June 2023 LENE 2.o Entrepreneurial Workshops in Högsby and Alstermo-Älghult-Lenhovda.

During the spring of 2023 the LENE Team set up workshops in Småland, Högsby and Uppvidinge Municipalities around entrepreneurship.

What is an entrepreneur? What skills are needed? What is the role of the entrepreneur in society? In your local area? What is your own role in the local area? What would you like to change? Improve? Let's bring your idea to reality !

Most youngsters have a dream, a vision of what they want to do with their lives, but what are the steps taking you there? LENE entrepreneurs supported youngsters in their quest!

But only the youngsters themselves can take the steps towards their future...

16 Nov. 2022 Presentation LENE+ and LENE 2.o   for 18 teachers in Alstermo and Älghult school and the local governmental business coordinator in Uppvidinge Kommun.

Elena and Liselotte started off the presentation with LENE+, which gives an excellent background and insight into how we work with youngsters and non-formal learning environments; and, what parameters we have found to be instrumental in this work (thanks to LENE+).

LENE 2.o is very relevant for the school, as Alstermo- and Älghultsskolan is a pilot and its pupils will participate!

Jour Fixe 7 Nov. 2022

Interesting discussions about conducted research and entrepreneurial concepts.

Still a big part of our work is to learn each others competences, know-how, understand and recognise potentials.

We complete each other very well, discussions are very fruitful and interesting - we are considering another face-to-face meeting in order to ensure extensive know-how exchange.

Thank you to this wonderful team and all the energy, constructive cooperation and pro-activity !

Jour Fixe 2 Nov. 2022

Project Planning, Roadmap, To Do's and conceptual discussions on the agenda. The agenda is always long, so many things to be discussed in the beginning of a project.

First and foremost, we need to create and find common grounds and reach common definitions of terminology.

Virtual Meeting Jour Fixe 24 Oct. 2022

A long long list of topics to be discussed and clarified. We managed to go through a few this meeting, next time we continue our interesting exchange.

LENE 2.o is about entrepreneurship for everyone. LENE stands for Learning Environments for NEET Entrepreneurship. To use Mobility for entrepreneurial inspiration and development of relevant soft skills is a central point in LENE.

We aim to extend this work to school children - to open up for possibilities at an earlier stage rather than a later stage.

Technical Meeting 15 Oct. 2022

Prof. Dr. Westebbe helped the Swedish Team to set up Adobe Connect for coming virtual meetings and we practiced online mindmapping.

Nice to learn new things and to work together with very competent and knowledgable partners!

KICK-OFF LENE 2.o in Munich 6 - 8 Okt. 2022

The LENE work continues !

Together with qualified experts and scientists on non-formal and informal learning, we continue our work with LENE+ and create a concept for mobilities and vocational subjects for schools.

Pls contact us if you want to know more, discuss and or be part of our work !

+++NEWSBREAK+++ 1 July 2022 +++

Listen to the LENE+ Podcast !  https://jugend-online-event.de/podcast/  (German language)

Episode 04: Jugend stärken durch Auslandserfahrung und Entrepreneurship Education

Many thanks to: Dr. P. Westebbe and Verein zur Förderung der Bildung in der digitalen Welt e.V.


ME France 14 May 2022

EUROCIRCLE as the sponsor of the EUROPE DIRECT Information Center (CIED) organised its traditional and annual event to celebrate the 9th of May. 

The event took place on May14th 2022 and was organised as the European festival day in the Park Lonchamp, with the financial support of the City of Marseille and the Conseil Départemental. 

During this event, besides promoting Europe and all its regular activites for young people and mobilities, Eurocircle dedicated a specific stand to LENE+ project in order to promote all the final outputs of the project. 

An activity “casino des compétences” was proposed to all participants in order to discover a little bit more the work developed during the project and how the workshop (C1) helped the participants work on their entrepreneurial mindset and project. 

As participants, we got some important stakeholders such as the Representative of the EU Commission in Marseille, the Representative of the EU Parliament in Marseille, the representative of the Mayor of Marseille, the President of the Conseil Départemental 13, the President of the Youth Counsil, The University. Then we got some entrepreneurs, some local associations and families.

ME Turkey 17 May 2022

Dr. Prof. Gurbuz presented the LENE+ project, concept and results for stakeholders in Ankara.

First ME was held in Alba otel for relevant stakeholders and the second one for teachers and principal of the Ministry of National education.

TEC-SAV implemented two information events together with stakeholders from national ministries, youth associations, industry, commerce and entrepreneurship and the office for international mobility and previous project partners. In addition, the political fractions of the city council and the administration, the employment authorities and entrepreneurs were attending. The two events took place in a project related selection of representatives from ministry, NGOs, VET schools, Universities and participants (youngsters).

Prof. Dr. Gurbuz presented the background of current issues in our field of work today, presented  the LENE report and screening of the youtube tutorials and references to the web presence for future further developments and information, reflection upon the topic, future possibilities, and next steps of action and last but not least a Q&A round with invitees. Invitations to involved parties future meetings on the topic will be discussed with stakeholders for a long term influence and further development and implementation of the project result

ME Germany 20 May 2022

Eucon e.V. presented the LENE+ project, concept and results for stakeholders in Munich.

A very interesting round with scientists, professors and expert contacts in and around non-formal and social entrepreneurship learning/training from among others GAB München; Association for Research and Development in Vocational Training and Occupations, Bavarian Youth Ring and Association for the Promotion of Education in the Digital World e.V.

ME Slovenia 26 May 2022

Kvantinum presented the LENE+ project, concept and results for stakeholders in Ljubljana.

ME Spain May 2022

Covid restrictions were taken away in April, not leaving us enough time to gather all relevant stakeholders on such short notice. However, we made up for these meetings through bilateral and small group meetings with relevant stakeholders in the Catalonia region. This strategy worked quite well, as we could work around the schedules of each individual, hence it was much easier to coordinate meetings. This way we managed to reach out with the LENE concept and findings to all planned participants.

ME Sweden 3 May 2022

Elena and Rolant presented Coordination Europes LENE+ project, concept and results for stakeholders in Högsby, Småland.

The final outputs of the project were presented by Elena and the LENE Learning Environements for NEET Entrepreneurship tutorials about supporting entrepreneurial mindset were shown.

As participants, we had some important stakeholders such as regional  governmental representatives, political fractions of the city council, headmaster primary- and secondary schools in the region, teachers, youth workers, entrepreneurs and employers, some associations (i e Coompanion, Employers organisation Oskarshamn and Högsby area).

A discussion with the audience followed the presentation, which was mostly positive.

A couple of employees and politicians of the local government in Högsby said they are "allergic to projects" and had concerns about who might have had a financial benefit  through the project; "unique focus" our international partners remarked. We are happy that other local regions and countries are focusing on the positive effects on youngsters, their development and integration into society - our work has had so much positive impact on so many youngsters !

Meetings planned March-April did not take place due to Covid restrictions, but we made up for these meetings through bilateral meetings with stakeholders in the Oskarshamn region and Uppvidinge kommun. This strategy worked quite well, as we could work around the schedules of each individual.

TPM 6 Munich 18-20 May 2022

Transnational Partner Meeting Munich - thanks to all partners for the positive contribution to our project goals!

A very interesting round with scientists, professors and expert contacts in and around non-formal and social entrepreneurship learning/training from among others GAB München, Bayrischer Jugendring, VFBWD e.V., IFTE Entrepreneurship, Youthstart, SEA-Akademie, SEND e.V.

Thanks to all of you for sharing your knowledge and for embracing our project !

Looking forward to cooperating in future activities !

21st of April 2022 Virtual Meeting LENE+

We discuss some administrational issues, ME planning in progress ! Reflection upon our work, IOs, the project etc. is being prepared.

Virtual LENE+ Meeting 24 March 2022

Preparation of materials for ME's in each partner country.

Situation with meeting up face-to-face is still restricted in partner countries due to Covid. We now plan for May 2022.

Only another 2 months to go until project ends on the 31st of May 2022 !

24 March 2022 Final products IO7

Check out final products!!


17 Feb. 2022 LENE+ Project discussions IO5;

Finalisation continues....

Blood, sweat and tears !

...but we are reaching our goal !

20 Jan. 2022 LENE+ Project discussions IO5;

"The LENE+ Report"

Final draft of the LENE+ Report (IO5) is taking shape. Discussions, fine tuning. Products need to be finalised within two months in order for us to have reports to present in the coming ME's !

We are good in time !

Thanks to all partners for all the hard constructive work!

11 Jan. 2022 LENE+ IO7

Script is being created; a few words and pictures are supposed to say it all... Focus and big picture vital!

Team Sweden is working on refining pre-production schedule.

For results, check;


16 Dec. 2021 LENE+ Projekt discussions IO7

Video material is complete, post production in progress!

To minimise long texts into a 2-3 minutes of film is a true challenge. Exciting to see our work turn into pictures!

See finalised products;



Continuous work also on visuals...

25 Nov. 2021 LENE+ Project discussions IO5

Back in the home office as Corona is yet again forcing us to stay at home, Europe is going towards lock down again. Hopefully the world learned about Corona in the last two years and now can better master the virus and manage society more effectively. Glad partners could meet in Turkey three weeks ago !

Eucon e.V. and Coordination Europe are also discussing areas of interest for future projects.

  • TPM 5 Turkey Dalyan 1-3 Nov. 2021

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Espresso meeting outside

  • Lunch walk, harbour in Dalyan

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Project Manager Ms. Israelsson is opening the TPM

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • LENE+ work in progress; CBLS, Coordination Europe, Eucon e.V, Eurocircle, Kvantinum, & TEK-SAV

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • fancy a lemon? outside of meeting room

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Partners: CBLS Spain, Coordination Europe Sweden, Eucon e.V. Germany, Eurocircle France, Kvantinum Slovenia, TEK-SAV Turkey

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Working break outside

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  • Bananas outside of meeting room

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Official inauguration of Dalyan TEK-SAV office; president Mr. Kutlu from Ankara and new president Mr. Kocak Dalyan

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Filming in the Nil Lounge

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Film session in Nil Lounge Filmer: Ms. Janzon

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Filming IO7 sequence in Dal Café

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Dalyan harbour

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Dalyan harbour Mosque

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Checking production schedule IO7 filming

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Results of todays' filming

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  • IO7 film location Iztuzu Beach

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Filming of IO7 TPM 5 Turkey Dalyan 1-3 Nov. 2021

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Dalyan Tombs

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Dalyan harbour sunset

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Sunset in Dalyan

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • The DreamTeam

    Untertitel hier einfügen
  • Bildtitel

    Untertitel hier einfügen

1-3 Nov. 2021 TPM 5 Dalyan, Turkey

The DreamTeam...!

1-3 Nov. 2021 TPM 5 Dalyan, Turkey

Finally all six partners could meet in person !

Wonderful to be able to discuss, exchange ideas and know how personally. This meeting is vital for the final report LENE+ (IO5) and for the filming of tutorials (IO7).

Tutorials are a modern and quick way to swiftly gain an overview of what LENE+ is about; using real life non-formal learning environments to strengthening entrepreneurial soft- and life skills.

To meet up again - in wonderful Turkey with its fantastic flair - did the entire team really good!

We love Turkey !

15 October 2021 IO7 preparation meeting

Tutorials are being created! Film script, image story, texts, scenography, props, light, audio etc.

How to translate LENE+ project content into moving pictures - a true challenge !

Glad to have such competent personel involved, great fun to find the way forward together, to critically question if we are on the right track, start from the beginning again, repeat and re-do our work until we have good solutions !

14 Oct. 2021 LENE+ IO5 Virtual partner meeting

IO5 is in focus; finalising table of content, description of content, who writes what.

Intense discussions now when push comes to shove.

Already look forward to the first draft end of November!

23. Sept. 2021 LENE+ Virtual partner meeting

After two years we are finally planning the next face-to-face TPM in Turkey !

We are all very excited of course - and we look forward to the in-between-chats, over-a-(turkish)coffee-talks..

IO5 is now in focus, as is IO7 - impressive how partners are still going strong !

20 Sept. 2021 LENE+ Model (IO2)

The innovation of LENE+ is the humble try, to shed some light in a grey zone; what we call the "Black Box".

The "Black Box" is for us the question; how do youngsters learn what and where ? Where as in = real life non-formal learning environments.

Which real life non-formal learning environments inspire or supports entrepreneurial spirit ?

Now THAT is something to contemplate....!

10 Sept. 2021 LENE+ Online platform discussion

How do we present results in a good way? Download from current website? Connections with Vimeo, youtube, Wiki, other platforms?

What is possible with no budget ? ....Creativity !

9 Sept. 2021 LENE+ IO4 debriefing

Very interesting and engaging information about the workshop, and the interaction between the participants, entrepreneurs and stakeholders!

How do we understand the received feedback, how can we use this insight in the LENE+ Model in a correct way, in what way do we need to modify the LENE+ theory built upon our experience, scientific reports, and feedback from entrepreneurs, employers and participants ?

31 August 2021 LENE+ Virtual Meeting IO5

We are now 27 months into our LENE+ project ! Finally time for a strategy meeting for the LENE+ main product, THE "LENE+ guideline" - this is the internal working title.

Many thanks for all your input and constructive comments ! We are a great team and complement each other well !

It is going to be very interesting to see what direction the team will take on this final product.

Workshop Marseille (IO4) 27 July - 1  Aug. 2021

Amazing ! Despite Covid, we finally managed to gather youngsters from Spain, France and Germany end of July for our LENE+ pilot run of learning environments with the target group directly in cooperation with entrepreneurs and employers !

The idea was to receive a broad feedback of how youngsters see entrepreneurship and what parameters might be important to succeed; important life- and soft skills, what obstacles there are and in which settings a young adult could find an inspiring entrepreneurial real life non-formal learning environment to develop within.

The feedback from the target group itself is instrumental and helped us gain some insight into this very complex issue, where we humbly try to describe how and where, what skillset might be inspired, through real life non-formal learning environments.

By defining and describing instrumental situations, parameters and learning principals - or real life non-formal learning environments as we call them in the LENE+ Model, we enable the possibility of replication.

10 July 2021 LENE+ IO5

Strategy discussions for the LENE+ Guideline report

Since our IO1-IO4 are almost finalised, we start to see the essence of our work and therefore can dig in deeper into the making and set up of the LENE+ IO5 Guideline and the IO7 filming thereof!

Very exciting!

Thanks to professional colleagues Natasa and Riza for your good work.

9 July 2021

Much to do before the summer holidays!

We are happy to announce we have come far in the IOs. IO1-IO3 are almost finalised, IO4 workshop in Marseille will be accomplished by the end of July. Now the major focus will be on IO5 and IO7; the writing of the LENE+ Guideline and the filming thereof in shape of tutorials.

Instead of reading the report, it will be possible to understand the essence of it through tutorials ! For interested to find out more, all written materials will be posted in written reports on this website.

Since all partners have different holidays, from July - September, we all benefit from a good plan to get stuff done and coordinate meetings through these three months, who can join when, who can prepare what until when, in order for the project to develope further step by step.

Thankyou dear partners for your good work !

Happy Summer 2021 !

2 July 2021 TPM Ljubljana

In preparation for the Ljubljana TPM we host a workshop on the 30 June and 1st of July in order to be able to get the planned results out of what was supposed to be a TPM on site in Ljubljana.

Too bad we could not meet up in person this time either!

June 2021 Dissimination activities

European Network of Innovation for Inclusion

invites Coordination Europe and LENE+ to participate in the 5th call for good practices !

We feel very honoured to be chosen as a potential candidate.

The extensive European Network of more than 350 organisations is a fantastic platform to share know-how and experiences, we are happy to be part of this network!

15 June 2021 - IO7 Tutorials are in the making !

Pre-production schedules, scripts, content, pictures - now we are busy describing the essence of the LENE+ project in order to present the results in pictures.

It is very challenging to develop tutorials in order to spread our message via pictures instead of having to read long reports.

The Tutorials will be available in several partner languages / subtitles, hopefully by the end of this year.

Stay tuned!

10 June 2021 LENE+ IO3 summary

findings and recommendations and discussions of the focus of material. Very interesting material - we could spend months analysing, discussing and categorising the results !

Due to difficulites to book flights and stay within the travel budget we decided to do Ljubljana virtual after all. Too bad ! But Covid situation still makes traveling problematic.

20 May 2021; Presentation initial results IO3

CBLS, our spanish partner, gave us a first insight into results from the IO3 interviews and questionnairs ! Very interesting to hear what entrepreneurs (and employers) think is important for the NEET target group, should they want to embark into entrepreneurship.

Interesting is, that quite some of our successful entrepreneurs, who have welcomed many IdA-participants through the years - have themselves been what we today call NEET youngsters.

To hear how they see reality, how they themselves grew up not finishing school, started to work, and build a business without any help, without knowing much about how to become an entrepreneur, and then to work hard and develope into a very successful entrepreneur - this is valuable know-how !

This is information about how real life works, what young people struggle with - shouldn't we learn from these real life heroes and role models ?

3 May 2021 Virtual Vernissage Art Workshop 

A four week workshop - online - does that work ?!

Astonishingly well! Who would have thought that?

In the live learning online art workshop there were participants and supervisors from France, Spain and Germany, they did an amazing job ! 

Here some of the artistic output from this amazing virtual workshop, and vernissage, well done all !!!

Pls visit the virtual vernissage;


The next step is to look into a Virtual Learning Environment concept, in a more flexible future virtual contexts might have a larger part in our lives and in school.

21 April 2021; Conference with LENE+ partners.

Our Prof. Dr. Riza Gürbüz is lecturing us in social pedagogic sciences in relation to entrepreneurship and real life learning environments as a preparation for IO5 LENE+ Handbook.

24 March 2021 LENE+ Meeting IO5

Discussions about concept, framework and table of content possibilities for IO5 hand book, based upon application text, impact of real life events, possible disruptions due to external factors, changes in planning, corona etc.

28 Jan. 2021 LENE+ Meeting IO4

Concept and preparations for Blended mobility of young people pilot test in Marseille

  • Lead: Eurocircle - Support: Eucon
  • Suggested dates: 23.05.2021 (Sunday) to 29.05.2021 (Saturday)
  • Duration: 5 days (+ 2 days travel)
  • Place: Marseille, Eurocircle
  • Participants: 

- 5 youngs from Germany and 5 young from Spain, 10 from France

- Entrepreneurs/employers (partners of the project, guest entrepreneurs)

  • Target group: Young adults who are looking for work / studies / next step in life. 

14 December 2020 LENE+ IO3 Meeting

Critical reflection and test setting within entrepreneurship of Real Life Learning Environments in close cooperation with entrepreneurs and employers.

Together with entrepreneurs and employers we critically reflect upon, discuss and make adjustments to the learning environment set up created in IO 2.

Set up of a questionnaire and interviews with entrepreneurs. Many of the entrepreneurs are or have been supervisors for the target group and have much experience with both entrepreneurship and the NEET target group.

Virtual conference Berlin LENE+

Solijugend-Conference International 17 Nov. 2020

Though our German partner network we were invited to present the LENE+ project in a European / German context.
Participants attending from among other the German Ministry, prominent Youth Researchers, Youth organisations, IdA representatives from Pfefferwerk AG Berlin, Wetek gGmbH, Solidaritätsjugend Bund, Bayerischer Jugendring and other interested stakeholders.

We are very happy that Dr. Helle Becker (www.forschung-und-praxis-im-dialog.de) showed interest in our work and we will start exchanging experience and know-how.

Thanks to Solijugend https://solijugend.de for professional hosting and moderation! Thanks to Eucon e.V. for enabling us to attend and present LENE+ !

6 Nov. 2020 LENE+ IO2 meeting "The Black Box"

Everyone knows that young adults learns much and grow a lot as a person when they are abroad.

But how and where do we learn during a mobility - and what do we learn ?? In order to understand, we are trying to visualise what happens in the Real Life Learning Environments (ReLi LE's) by looking at and explaing parameters

and frameworks around the Real Life Learning Environments during a mobility:

(1) Official focus of the project

(2) Describe the situation the youngsters are in

(3) The important aspects

(4) Learning Principles and reflections thereof

(5) the possible soft skill outcome.

Can the mobility Real Life Learning Environments (ReLi LE's) also support and inspire entrepreneurial soft skills?

LENE+ TPM 3 Marseille - virtuell - pga Covid-19

Monday 28 Sept. - Tuesday 29 Sept. virtual (host: Eurocircle Marseille, France)
Due to the pandemic this time our partners from Spain, France, Slovenia, Germany and Turkey met online instead of in Marseille. In order to accomplish an effective official TPM meeting, there were many meetings, coordination activites and discussions in advance. 

Of course we would have preferred to visit beautiful Marseille, but we hope to visit our French partners last week of May 2021 when we will be hosting an entrepreneurship project-week together with stakeholders.

We are trying to visualise the HOW we learn  and how the entrepreneurial non-formal learning and soft skills can be trained in Learning Environments; to dismantle the "Black Box" of learning. A very interesting and exciting task !

During the TPM 3 we discussed all IOs, all the to do's, planning and interlinking between the IOs in the project. This step is important in order for each IO Lead partner to know what s/he needs to consider in the planning. The meeting atmosphere was very constructive, supportiv and positive - it is a pleasure to enjoy the different strengths and know how from each partner, to discuss possibilities and exchange experience and together decide upon the way forward!

Thank you all !

TPM 2 Barcelona LENE+

Thursday 24 - Friday 25 October 2019

Second meeting is challenging, we want to find a model and a method to open the Black Box of how to train specific soft skills.

In the second meeting TPM 2 Barcelona, national research was presented and discussed; current status in respective partner country regarding Entrepreneurship and our target group NEETs.

Necessary soft skills according to OPECs Big Five, and the European Commissions 8 soft skills were compared with other Erasmus+ projects on the topic and our national research and partners own hands on experience.

We also discussed the necessity to contemplate the current definition of Entrepreneurship to fit better to our target group. The target group will in general also be active in certain sectors, which we will look into and map out going forward. 

A Black Box model was presented as a base for understanding how the learning of soft skills actually occurs in various situations. All partners are intrigued by this new model and what it can contribute to our daily work with young people!

Results will allow the exchange organisations, supervisors and pedagogues to work holistically with young people.

Kick-Off Meeting LENE+ 

Wednesday 26 June - Saturday 29 June in Småland
France, Spain, Turkey, Slovenia and Germany travelled to Småland to kick off the LENE+ project.

For most of them, it was the first time in Småland.
It takes almost an entire day to travel to us, better infrastructures would be good for the region!

All partners are very excited about LENE+ and eager to get to work. First and foremost there are many administrative tasks and informations to take care off before we could start with the actual content of the project.

At the end of the meeting, all partners had a good idea of the aim, to do's and the first steps! The respectful and supportive atmosphere and vibrating energy of the group will be the base of a successful project!
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